Road Report Update

March 15, 2024.

Due to the early spring weather, road conditions have deteriorated greatly
over the last few weeks. These conditions usually occur during the ” ice
out ” time when there is no traffic, coming or going, as the ice melts on
the lake. During that time there is generally two to three weeks when the
road thaws out and dries up. Because of the mild winter weather and the
lack of significant snow the road from Pelican Pouch to the Malachi Landing
parking lot is rutted, muddy, icey, slippery and wet as the frost leaves
the road bed. Culverts have been steamed to attempt to keep the spring melt
from washing over the road and will be steamed once again when above zero
temperatures return. The crossing at the narrows is in poor condition. It
is rutted and muddy due to vehicle traffic other than snow machines and
quads. Mud is being carried down onto the lake ice on both the north and
south approaches and the ice in these areas will melt extremely face when
warmer temperatures return.