The White Road and the Malachi Road have been plowed from Pelican Pouch
to the Malachi Landing Parking Lot for the sixth time since Christmas.
And winter is not over yet.
However this could possibly be the last plowing for this winter.
The HONOR system of payment is failing miserably.
To date less than 50 % of winter users have contributed.
$ 75.00 for the winter season or $ 50.00 for a one time use has been in
since the plowing began in 2009.
Please remember that it is per vehicle not per property owner.
Snow plowing fees will be gratefully received at Campbell’s Point.
Winter road snow plowing has significantly reduced spring road maintenance
due to limited snowmelt erosion and no culvert wash outs allowing ease of
access to the landing in the winter as well as the early spring after ” ice
out “.