Nov. 27

No real changes, N lake is basically unchanged and the south lake still appears open towards Rowes as seen from the landing and no one has drilled any holes to check for ice depth in the landing area. 

 Four of us took a quad trip to the landing then Kenora.  Took the west trail to the landing in the morning.  Encountered a couple of mud holes with thin ice.  Cross on one side and it was fine, cross the other side and some winching was required.  The takeaway here, choose wisely and don't assume its frozen yet on the trail.  Then as with the greatest of adventures 1 quad broke, fortunately on the White road.  Continued on with 3.  The decision was made to take the broken quad in, so grabbed the trailer and picked it up.  Kenora was everything and more.  Two of the crew finished early and headed back early, doubled up and came home on the W trail with only 1 minor problem.  Coming home the last 2 were later than expected, arriving at the landing at sunset so the decision was made to go back via White siding.  IT SHOULD BE NOTED THE TEMPORARY BRIDGE IS GONE so we went all the way to White and took the trail parallel to the tracks onto the hydro line trail.  Admitting this a longer ride, but being in the dark, with trailers, we avoided potential problems on the W trail.  Good trip, not withstanding.