Nov. 13

Today we still have open water out in the middle of the lake.  The report from Campbells Point Retirement home is we have the ice in Bradleys frozen up to a line from Sheedys to Grosvenors with shore ice up the east side from Grovenors about 200 ft out from shore to Staffords.  North of the narrows ice extends north from the narrows about 200 ft.  Rusty reports he had a walk out on the ice about 200 ft and found about 4 inches of ice.  The report from Copelands has E Clay and the wonderful Peggy going for a walk around the shore and finding 2-4 inches of ice but more to a point, an air space below the surface ice to another layer of ice or open water along the shore line.  The water level continues to drop leaving suspended ice along the shore line of nebulous strength.  This was also noted at Indian bay at Jimmys dock.  The first step onto the ice broke through, with the water level about 3 inches below the ice, farther out along the dock the ice supported weight.  Maybe something to think about after we can travel, beware of the shorelines.  Pictures show the north lake just south of my place from the ridge.  The second two pics are from Indian bay.  The middle is still wide open.