May 6th

Yesterday E Clay and Bobby made it to the parking lot after 2 days of
trail breaking, through the patches of snow, and bridge repair at Duck
creek. The narrows on the N side is open past Butches, and is now
leaning towards Ransom’s. They carried down the road and noticed a boat
in trailer parking which had tipped over, trailer and all. They have no
theory as to how this happened. Further down the road at the wood
culvert, where we had the huge washout in past years, a hole has
appeared. The washout closer to the landing, just past Lepp’s hasn’t
gotten any better. The road people know about this. Apparently with
the ludicrous high water, some boats at the landing are in the water.
It appears the water level has surpassed the old high water line from a
couple of years back. A little disappointment reported by the guys is
the amount of garbage they observed at the landing. I hate to say this,
but, this is something observed in the past after the melt before the
grass and shrubbery starts flourishing.