Stay At Home Measures Likely To Extend To June
Kenora, ON, Canada / 89.5 The Lake
May 10, 2021 2:57 PM
Christine Elliott-CPAC screengrab
Discussions are ongoing at Queens Park to extend the stay at home order end date in Ontario by two additional weeks, from May 20 to June 2.
Health Minister Christine Elliott stressed Monday that medical experts are telling government to stay the course with current pandemic restrictions until COVID-19 cases experience a significant decline.
The provincial stay-at-home order was first implemented on April 8 by Premier Doug Ford in effort to curb increasing case numbers as well as high hospitalization rates in the province.
The Thunder Bay District Health Unit has an active case count of 40 while the Northwestern Health Unit heads into Tuesday with 51 active cases of COVID-19.
2,716 new cases were reported in Ontario on Monday, the lowest daily count in the province in nearly six weeks.