With the variations in temperature we have a lake surface that has thawed to slush and has refroze. It did not melt the snow totally off the ice so we have a crust. We are using the Ski-doo with scratchers and or quads are easily used. At the landing the hill down to the boat launch is pretty much down to gravel. We were able to sneak up to the landing via the loop, past the tractor, to the parking lot with the Ski-doo. Down the boat launch, the melt started with the warm weather and we had the usual puddle forming. A small rut was cut by the rain water and melt run off yesterday out from the bottom of the boat launch. At the narrows, there were large melt puddles on both north and south sides exacerbated by the mud that was tracked onto the ice. During the warm temperatures the narrows crossing was thawing and there are ruts about 4-6 inches deep. The inevitable question will be, can I drive my truck out onto the ice road?, my best answer would be: that is between yourself and your insurance company………