Highlights from AGM2014 Minutes

Here are some excerpts from the minutes of the 2014 Annual General Meeting. The entire minutes are available on request.

Trailer Parking:
The area that was chosen is the little angled piece of property just north of the helipad on the west side. It will be a user-pay area. Anyone who would like to park a trailer should contact Clay at 807.224.1263 or pcingram2@gmail.com.

A Defibrillator was purchased a few years ago and is in Clay & Kim Reichert’s cottage in the winter (to keep warm) and in their porch in the summer -which is always open.

Lake Activities 2014:
Saturdays June 28/July/Aug. 12:00-2:00 Candy Sale at C.A.M.P.
Sat. Aug. 2 Pancakes – 9:00am Annual Picnic at Station
Sun. Aug 3 Dusk- approx. 9:30 pm Fireworks off Memorial Island
Sat. Aug. 16 1:00 pm Alex Reid Cribbage Tournament
Sat. Aug. 30 1:00 & 3:00 p.m. Poker Derby & Hot Dogs & Corn

MCA 2014 Board of Directors:

President: Clay Ingram

Vice President: Hugh Malcolmson

Past President: Gerry Hunter

Secretary: Leslie Alexander

Treasurer: Darlene Black

Directors: Environment- Elizabeth Hughes; Road- Ryan McLachlin; Docks- Jeff Stephenson; Webmaster-Patrick Sheedy; Kym Dopheide; Butch Hawryluk; Henry Hes; Colleen Ryland; Brent Sanderson.