16:36 Emergency crews are continuing to battle Fire 18 this afternoon. Fire 18 has not increased in size and there has been minimal movement of the fire. Emergency Services has confirmed the fire is moving very slowly in a Southeastern direction. The communities of Ingolf, Tannis Lake and Gundy Lake are under evacuation. Royal Lake, Malachai Lake and Trout Lake off Highway 596 are on standby for evacuation if the fire progresses. A couple roads have now been closed off as well. The closures inlcude the 312 road into Ingolf from the Manitoba side, Gundy Lake Road and Pickerel Lake Road from the Malachi Lake Road to White Road. Some travel permits are available to pass through the road closures for more informaiton you can contact Kenora Fire Managment at 543-1919. – See more at: http://895thelake.ca/news/
from 89.5May 7, 2016 16:36 PM :
Evacuations are still in effect. 56 firefighters at Ingolf this AM. Evacuation in effect now for Tannis, Gundy & Trout Lakes. MNR has put sprinklers on the roofs of all cottages on Macara & north shore Longpine. Gundy road & pickerel lake road now closed as well. Fire hasn’t advanced but all precautionary.