Here are steps to edit pages and posts on the website (using a desktop or laptop with keyboard). When viewing the website, Pages are typically static like Medical Emergency and Home. Posts like April 19th show up under “Reports from the Lake” with the latest at the top.
- You should first login and then logout to establish your account. If you have not edited before then your account on the website needs to be set to “Editor” before you will see the dashboard. Ask and we’ll set that for you.
- Click this link to login to the website. You can login using your own account at either Amazon, Facebook, Gmail, or Linkedin.
- Method 1 to find a page for editing:
- First find the dashboard then click Pages (left sidebar)
- click the name of the Page to be edited (ex: Home) or use the search field to find the page
- click Edit
- Method 2 to find a page for editing:
- Once you are logged in, simply go view the page you want to edit (ex: for Home, just click Malachi on the orange menu banner)
- Click Edit Page (right side of the admin links at the top)
- To edit or create a Post:
- Find the dashboard and click Posts (left sidebar)
- click the name of the post or search for the post
- See the Editor screen below, with tips in red text. It’s not as complicated as it looks: use the toolbar icons to adjust the content, then preview, then publish.
- When finished editing you can Preview Changes and finally Update to publish.