Are you a medical professional who cottages at Malachi?

Are you a medical professional who cottages at Malachi?

Would you be willing to share your lake contact information and location with other cottagers in case of a medical emergency?

In the days when folks travelled in by train, and everybody knew everybody, it was typical for campers to boat over to a lake-neighbour medic for everything from broken limbs to bee stings!

Today, with new faces and growing families, people might not know their medical Malachi neighbour as well.

If you are a medical professional, and feel like putting your name forward, the Campers’ Association would email a data-base with your cottage contact info and map location to all paid members for emergency use.

This information would not be posted on the website.

 Please do not feel obligated.

We respect that everyone needs private time at the lake.

But, if you are willing (or have a better idea!) please contact director
Kym Dopheide @

                                                                          With thanks,

Directors of the Malachi Campers’ Association.